Meet the team

Jenny Jen in balloon

A family move interstate saw me change from freelance software designing in Sydney to a solution architect contract role in Canberra. When my 3 month contract extended, I was unable to find a realistically priced, accurate payroll service here so I started my own!

The large project we undertook saw me manage a number of contractor developers in my team, so I experienced contracting from a few different angles over what stretched out to be an 8 year contract. After that, as BJBS was growing steadily, I made the move to leave contracting and have been focussed on providing payroll solutions ever since.

20 years on and now we are an incredibly happy team, which allows me plenty of time to spend with my horses each week, as well as providing a quality payroll service! Thank goodness for Rosa who keeps us all focussed when team meetings try to gallop off in another direction.



Rosa Mammoliti


I have been part of the amazing BJBS team since May 2016. Bookkeeping is my professional background and my main role currently is the processing of the pays. I can do most of the payroll tasks though so help out wherever, when I’m needed. I am married and have 2 beautiful children.

I’ve been extremely lucky to have had the flexibility of working at By Jingo all these years as well as being a stay at home mum, which is something I will treasure forever!

I am the odd one out within the team by not being a horse lover, but I have learnt many things from my horse loving work colleagues which has been great...although it still hasn't convinced me to ever get on and ride one!



Kat photoKat

The daughter of a maths teacher and an accountant I was destined to work with numbers. I have worked for many years in customer service and banking as well as completing a Certificate IV in Bookkeeping. Moving into payroll has been a very enjoyable step in my career.

I have a wonderful husband and two smart and amazing daughters, who keep me very busy and fill my life with lots of laughs, plus two cats: a smart one and a pretty one. Like Jenny and Susan, I am a little horse obsessed and I’m very lucky to have a family who supports this (even if they don’t understand it at all).




I am a result orientated business manager with over 35 years’ experience in consumer marketing, 23 with Nestlé Australia. I met Jenny in high school where we instantly bonded due to our passion for horses and we have been great friends ever since.

I have watched Jenny build and grow BJBS over the past 20 years and am in awe of her achievements. Her work ethic, passion for processes, and determination to maintain the personal touch is inspirational. When she offered me a role to help her redesign her web site and look at digital strategies we could use, I jumped at the chance to join.

Meeting and working with Rosa and Kat has been fun too. As I live in Sydney our catch ups in Canberra are always filled with food, wine and lots of laughter. We chat regularly and make sure we are all on the same page and I feel it is an incredibly supportive work environment. I love it.